Felipe Cattapan - Conductor Deutsch English Portuguese
  Felipe Cattapan - Conductor  



Brazilian and Italian


Portuguese, English, German and French; basic knowledge: Spanish


Married with Prof. Dr. Katja Cattapan; one son (Gustav, * 2005)


Music Studies



Conservatorio della Svizzera Italiana in Lugano (Switzerland), concentration in contemporary music conducting with Giorgio Bernasconi. Degree: “very good”


École Normale de Paris (France), post-graduate study in orchestra conducting with Dominique Rouits in cooperation with the Opéra de Massy


Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris (France), conducting study («Erasmus» exchange program) with Jorma Panula, Pascal Rophé, Peter Gühlke, Janos Fürst etc.


Conservatoire National de Région de Rueil-Malmaison in Paris (France), post-graduate study in choir conducting with Roland Lemêtre


Musikhochschule Karlsruhe (Germany), music teaching studies; principal subjects: conducting and piano. Correpetition with Helmut Weese


Private pupil with Zsolt Nagy (Professor for conducting at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris, France)


University Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), piano study; conducting as additional subject


International masterclasses in conducting with: Peter Eötvös, Zsolt Nagy, Kalman Strausz, Hermann Max, Stefan Parkman etc.


Professional Experience






Foundation of the Ensemble "Espaces" (Switzerland)


Projects as guest conductor (examples: premiere of "La Seconde Morte de Lazare" by Jean-Luc Darbellay with the ensemble Orion; opera "Chronos" by Matthias Mueller da Minusio - www.operchronos.com)


Founding, premiere and concerts with the ensemble "Créations" (Switzerland)


Project with the Chamber Orchestra of Bülach and Claude Rippas (Switzerland). Works by Hummel, Salieri and Strauss



Founding, premiere and concerts with the "Modern South America" Ensemble (Switzerland)

World premiere of José Miguel Fernández's "Amas“ with the Ensemble Vortex in Geneva, Switzerland ("Archipel" Festival)



Director and conductor of a project with Brazilian chamber music in Zürich, Switzerland

Director and conductor of projects with works of Ernst Widmer to commemorate the 20th anniversay of his death (2010) - in Zurich and Bern, Switzerland


Director and conductor of projects with works of Villa-Lobos to commemorate the 50th anniversay of his death (2009) - in Zurich and Bern, Switzerland


Regular projects with the ensemble for contemporary music Novecento in Lugano (Switzerland). Works by Berg, Webern, Varèse, Carter, Benjamin, Dallapiccola, Petrassi, Fedele etc.


Assistant to Giorgio Bernasconi in projects in cooperation with the Radio Svizzera Italiana in Lugano (Switzerland); examples: Honegger’s “Roi David”, Schoenberg’s Opus 34 and Kurt Weill’s „Happy End“


Orchestrated Ravel’s “Ma Mère l’Oye” for chamber orchestra and performed it with the Orchestre de Massy in Paris (France)


Regularly conducted the Orchestre de Massy in Paris (France); important works from the standard repertoire for the concert hall and opera (focus on classical and romantic music)


Regularly conducted the Orchestra of the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et Danse de Paris (France). Symphonies by Mozart, Beethoven and Brahms; Mahler’s 4th. Symphony; Debussy’s “Ibéria”; Strauss’ 4 Last Songs; “Don Giovanni” by Mozart etc.


World premiere of Stefan Pohlit’s “Philadelphia” (pupil of Wolfgang Rihm) in „Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnik“ (ZKM), Karlsruhe (Germany)


Concerts with the Janacek Philharmonic and Moravian Philharmonic (Czech Republic). Mussorgsky-Ravel’s “Pictures at an Exhibition”, Bartók’s “Divertimento for Strings”, Prokofiev’s “Romeo and Julia”, Janacek’s “Suite for Strings” etc.; example: Janacek Philharmonic’s opening concert of the saison 2002-2003


Director and conductor of projects with actors and orchestras in Karlsruhe (Germany). Examples: Stravinsky’s “Histoire du Soldat” and Prokofiev’s “Peter and the Wolf”





Founding, premiere and concerts with the vocal ensemble "Canticum Novum Zürich" (Switzerland); director and conductor of projects with this vocal ensemble in cooperation with the Casal Quartett, Peter Cadisch, Pierre Favre, Werner Bärtschi, Cantus Chor, Jens Nielsen, Roman Glaser etc.; contemporary works; world premieres, live transmissions and radio recordings (Radio SRF 2 Kultur). Next concerts and projects: www.canticumnovumzuerich.ch 


Regular choral projects with the Collegium Cantorum Orchestra (Switzerland): Works by Haendel, Vivaldi, Schubert etc.


Haydn's "St. Nicholas Mass" and Liszt's sacred choral music with the "Konzertchor Wallisellen" (Switzerland)




Regular projects with alumni of the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis and the Protestant Church Choir Lütisburg (Switzerland). Works by Bach, Mendelssohn, Fauré etc.

Subsitute conductor of the St. Gallen Theatre Extra-Choir, the University of Bern Choir as well as other regional choirs (Switzerland)


Conducted the Choir of Riga Music Academy (Latvia): William Byrd’s “Sing Joyfully“


Regular projects with the Jubilate Chamber Choir of Bern (Switzerland); sacred works a cappella (from ancient till contemporary music)



Conducted the Choir and Orchestra de Massy in Paris (France): Haydn's "The Creation"

Projects (in Germany and Switzerland) with choir music from Brazil: Nunes Garcia, Villa-Lobos, Lindembergue Cardoso and composers from the new generation


Participation at the International Festival “Weingarten Musiktage” (Germany)


Regularly conducted the Choir of the Conservatoire National de Région de Rueil-Malmaison in Paris (France). Important works from the standard repertoire for choir – sacred and secular, a cappella and with orchestra. Examples: Mozart’s “Krönungsmesse” and Brahms’ “Ein Deutsches Requiem”


Christmas choir concert with musicians of the Baden-Baden Philharmonic (Germany): Bruckner’s Mass in C major


Concert with the Akkord Chamber Choir in Darmstadt (Germany); Hungarian choir music


Concert with the Choir of the International Festival for Ancient Music of Daroca (Spain)


Conductor for over 20 choirs (women’s, men’s an mixed) in Germany and Switzerland. Example: Choirmaster at the Trinity Church in Bern, Switzerland (2003-2005)


Teaching Activity:

Lectures on John Cage in Zurich, Switzerland (April 2024)

Choral conducting course in Zurich, Switzerland (October 2023)

Lectures on "The Language of Conducting" in Zurich, Switzerland (September 2023)

Lecture about resonance (according to Hartmut Rosa) and music with Prof. Dr. Katja Cattapan in Kilchberg, Switzerland (April 2023)

Choral conducting course for women in Horgen, Switzerland (January 2023)

Choral and orchestral conducting course in Winterthur, Switzerland (November 2022)

Lectures on "The Language of Conducting" in Zurich, Switzerland (September/October 2022)

Choral and orchestral conducting course for beginners in Winterthur, Switzerland (June 2022)

Lectures on Villa-Lobos in Zurich, Switzerland (November 2021)

Choral and orchestral conducting course for beginners in Winterthur, Switzerland (September 2021)

Lectures on Satie in Zurich, Switzerland (September 2021)

Lectures on Brazilian music in Zurich, Switzerland (June 2021)

Online lectures on Bartók (March 2021)

Lectures on Dallapiccola's "Piccola Musica Notturna" in Zurich, Switzerland (September 2020)

Lecture on Beethoven's 5th. Symphony in Kilchberg, Switzerland (December 2019)

Choral and orchestral conducting course for advanced in Winterthur, Switzerland (October 2019)

Choral conducting course for women in Horgen, Switzerland (May 2019)

Choral and orchestral conducting course in Winterthur, Switzerland (March 2019)

Lectures on contemporary choral music in Zurich, Switzerland (February 2019)

Lectures on Villa-Lobos in Zurich, Switzerland (January 2019)

Lectures on Stravinsky's "Histoire du Soldat" in Zurich, Switzerland (September/October 2018)

Choral conducting course in Arosa, Switzerland (July 2018)

Choral and orchestral conducting course for advanced in Wetzikon, Switzerland (June 2018)

Choral and orchestral conducting course for beginners in Wetzikon, Switzerland (May 2018)

Choral and orchestral conducting course in Winterthur, Switzerland (March 2018)

Lectures on contemporary music in Zurich, Switzerland (February 2018)

Choral and orchestral conducting course in Wetzikon, Switzerland (December 2017)

Choral conducting course in Winterthur, Switzerland (November 2017)

Lectures on modern music in Zurich, Switzerland (September 2017)

Choral conducting course in Arosa, Switzerland (July 2017)

Choral conducting course for beginners in Winterthur, Switzerland (March 2017)

Lectures on "Music Practice Techniques" in Zurich, Switzerland (January/February 2017)

Choral conducting course in Wetzikon, Switzerland (November 2016)

Choral conducting course in Kiental, Switzerland (September 2016)

Choral conducting course in Arosa, Switzerland (August 2016)

Lectures on "Music Practice Techniques" in Zurich, Switzerland (May/June 2016)

Lectures on Villa-Lobos in Zurich, Switzerland (May/June 2016)

Choral conducting course for women in Wetzikon, Switzerland (May 2016)

Choral conducting course for advanced in Winterthur, Switzerland (April 2016)

Choral conducting course for beginners in Winterthur, Switzerland (March 2016)

Orchestral conducting course in Winterthur, Switzerland (January 2016)

Lectures on "Music Practice Techniques" in Zurich, Switzerland (October/November 2015)

Choral conducting course for women in Filzbach, Switzerland (October 2015)

Lecture on "Conducting and Management" in Bülach, Switzerland (September 2015)

Choral conducting course in Arosa, Switzerland (July/August 2015)

Choral conducting course in Filzbach, Switzerland (June 2015)

Choral conducting course for advanced in Winterthur, Switzerland (April 2015)

Choral conducting course for beginners in Winterthur, Switzerland (March 2015)

Lectures on "The Language of Conducting" in Zurich, Switzerland (January/February 2015)

Workshop: "Vocal Technique for Choirs" in Trüllikon, Switzerland (January 2015)

Orchestral conducting course in Winterthur, Switzerland (January 2015)

Choral conducting course for women in Filzbach, Switzerland (October 2014)

Choral conducting course for advanced in Arosa, Switzerland (August 2014)

Choral conducting course for beginners in Arosa, Switzerland (July 2014)

Workshop: "Vocal Technique for Choirs" in Wallisellen, Switzerland (May 2014)

Choral conducting course for advanced in Winterthur, Switzerland (April 2014)

Workshop: "Vocal Technique for Choirs" in Lindau, Germany (April 2014)

Choral conducting course for beginners in Winterthur, Switzerland (March 2014)

Lectures on "The Language of Conducting" in Zurich, Switzerland (January/February 2014)

Orchestral conducting course in Winterthur, Switzerland (November 2013)

Choral conducting course for women in Filzbach, Switzerland (October 2013)

Choral conducting course in Arosa, Switzerland (August 2013)

Choral conducting course in Zurich, Switzerland (May 2013)

Choral conducting course for advanced in Winterthur, Switzerland (April 2013)

Choral conducting course for beginners in Winterthur, Switzerland (March 2013)

Choral conducting course in Winterthur, Switzerland (September 2012)

Workshop: "Vocal Technique for Choirs" in Lütisburg, Switzerland (May 2012)

Choral conducting course in Winterthur, Switzerland (April 2012)

Orchestral conducting course at the University Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (September/October 2009)


Guest lecturer (since 2007) and adjunct professor (since 2009) for the course «Music Practice Techniques» at the Hochschule der Künste Bern, Switzerland



"Personality of the Year 2017: Culture" award (Braslider Org., São Paulo, Brazil) - as a conductor and writer

"Personality of the Year 2014: Culture" award (Braslider Org., São Paulo, Brazil) - as a conductor

Participation in the 4th. (2013) and 6th. (2016) "Swiss Choral Conductors Meeting"

Since 2013 member of the "SBDV" (Swiss Professional Conductors Association)

Organization of music projects; example: “Music and Brain” with the Paul Klee Ensemble (“Brain Awareness Week” in Bern, Switzerland, 2007)


Research work in the inter-disciplinary project “Music in the Brain” at the University of Bern, Switzerland (since 2005)


And many other concerts in Europe and Brazil - including live transmissions - with an eclectic repertoire (from ancient till contemporary music) and great success with the public and critics

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